A person who does not have cancer, but has precancerous cells or a genetic mutation known to increase the risk of developing it: a pre-survivor. 一个没有癌症但是体内有癌症前期细胞或者可转化的基因能增加身患癌症的风险的人。由“pre-survivor”发展而来。
Experts believe the colony of 300 pandas 'unusual colouring is down a combination of a genetic mutation and the animals' local diet in the remote mountainous region. 专家相信这只熊猫不同寻常的颜色,是源于基因突变以及熊猫在偏远山区的饮食。
In a bacterial population exposed to a killer drug, a few lucky individuals might have a genetic mutation that kept them alive. 当一个具有相当数量的细菌种群与一种杀菌剂狭路相逢时,只有少数幸运的细菌可以基因突变从而存活下来。
As of now, experts believed it is a genetic mutation. 目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。
So, for instance, what is the rate of genetic mutation, and is that rate of change uniform in time? 因此,比如说,遗传变异率的具体内容?以及该遗传变异率在时间上是否统一?
New findings by Professor Eli Sprecher of Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Medicine and the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center show that a genetic mutation is responsible for this unusual condition. 特拉维夫大学Sackler医学院的EliSprecher教授和特拉维夫Sourasky医疗中心表示,造成这一不寻常现象的原因是基因突变。
Are often the result of a genetic mutation. 都是因为基因变异造成的。
The finding comes from researchers who may have found the key to why the genetic mutation that causes cystic fibrosis leads to the deadly lung-clogging infections that are the hallmark of the disease. 那些研究导致囊性纤维化病的基因突变为何会引起致死性的肺部阻塞性感染的研究者发现了以上现象。
Objectives To investigate genetic mutation of membrane cofactor protein ( MCP) in patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome ( HUS). 目的对溶血尿毒综合征(HUS)患儿进行膜辅助蛋白(MCP)基因突变分析。
All these situations can ring alarm bells, but they don't necessarily mean the breast cancer arose from an inherited genetic mutation. 所有这些情形都拉响了警报,但是并不一定意味着乳腺癌源于遗传性基因突变。
Dwarfism Stunted growth. This may be due to genetic mutation, causing GIBBERELLIN deficiency. 矮态:植物生长受到限制形成的植株形态矮小,可能是由于基因突变造成的赤霉素缺乏引起。
Like other X-linked disorders such as color blindness and muscular dystrophy, genetic mutation causing a son's infertility could be passed from his mother. 像色盲,肌营养不良等X连锁的疾病一样,由遗传突变导致的不育可以从母亲传给儿子。
Different conditions, ranging from genetic mutation to post-translational modification, result in the intracellular presence of misfolded or conformationally altered proteins. 从基因突变到翻译后修饰等不同条件均可引起细胞内的蛋白质出现错误折叠或者构象改变。
The two patients have a mild form of ALS caused by a single genetic mutation, and all of the cells in their body carry that mutation. 有两个病人由于单一的遗传突变导致轻微的肌萎缩性侧索硬化,他们身体中所有的细胞都携带这种突变。
A genetic mutation has been found in A ( H1N1) that killed two people in France, AFP reported last week, and the WHO confirmed that two deaths in Norway were caused by mutated versions of the virus. 法新社上周报道说,科学家发现了导致法国两人死亡的甲型H1N1病毒的一个遗传突变。而世界卫生组织证实了挪威的两例死亡是由变异的该病毒导致的。
The sequencing of KATP channel genes, using genomic DNA extracted from the patient's peripheral white blood cells, revealed a genetic mutation. 从病人外周血白细胞中提取出的基因组DNA的KATP的基因序列显示其中有一处基因突变。
The genetic mutation leads to heart disease by causing high blood pressure, high blood levels of "bad cholesterol" and diabetes, all risk factors for heart disease. 该遗传突变通过高血压导致心脏病,“坏的胆固醇”和糖尿病的高的血压水平,所有心脏病危险因子。
An international team of16 scientists today reports the first direct measurement of the general rate of genetic mutation at individual DNA letters in humans. 近日,一个由16位科学家组成的国际性团队报道了首例人的个体DNA序列总基因突变速率的直接测量数据。
It must be a genetic mutation, something environmental or viral. 因环境或病毒引起的遗传变异。
A team of researchers from the United States and Iran has identified a genetic mutation that causes early onset coronary artery disease in members of a large Iranian family. 一个来自伊朗和美国的研究小组证实一个遗传突变导致一个伊朗大家族成员早发冠心病。
A genetic mutation could explain why some people suffer severely or even die from swine flu while others experience only mild symptoms. 一个遗传突变可能解释为何一些人患甲型H1N1流感更严重或者死亡,而其他人只遇到了轻微的症状。
A chemical that'll isolate the genetic mutation that causes these abnormalities. 来分离导致这些异常的基因突变。
Still unclear is what genetic mutation or mutations lead to these malfunctions. 什么基因的突变或突变导致的这些机能障碍仍不清楚。
One option in future may be to create stem cells from a patient's own tissue, then return these after using gene therapy to correct the genetic mutation that causes sickle-cell disease. 未来一个选择是从患者的组织培养干细胞、经基因疗法纠正导致镰刀形细胞症的遗传变异后再移植给患者本身。
But in tumours cells, where the BRCA pathway is disabled by genetic mutation, there is no alternative repair mechanism, and the cells die. 而在肿瘤细胞内,在基因突变使BRCA失去能力的地方,没有备选修复机制,细胞便死亡。
Genetic Mutation of Hemagglutinin Gene of Influenza A Virus in Guangzhou 广州市A型流感病毒血凝素基因的遗传变异研究
The new and more resistant strain is a genetic mutation. 这种新型的、更有抵抗力的菌株就是基因变异。
Owing to the decrease in the number of varieties of animal species in zoos, inbreeding has caused the survival rate to decrease and genetic mutation easily appears. 由于动物园内许多动物品种数目过少,近亲繁殖起来成活率很低,容易出现怪胎。